The first article of APTO project was published on astronomical occultation in JOE.

10 October 2019 | 17:50 Code : 10375 Research
The first article of APTO project was published on astronomical occultation in JOE.

This project has been carried out by 9 observatories and teams in Iran. Mr. Iraj Safaei, Head of the Observatory and Mr. Mohammad Reza Pakravanfar and Mr. Amirreza Mohandes from the University of Kashan Observatory contributed to this project.


Project partners:

- IOTA Middle East
- University of Kashan Observatory
- University of Tabriz Observatory
- Bushehr Mehr Observatory
- Ahvaz Specialized Astronomy Observatory
- Kerman Bikaran Observatory
- Shiraz Astronomical Culture center Observatory
- Quark Scientific Group
- Sabalan Sky Astronomical Society



O-C Study of 545 Lunar Occultations from 13 Double Stars


A. Poro, S. Memarzadeh, A. Halavati, M. Pakravanfar, I. Safaei, A. Sojoudizadeh, S. Hamedian, S. Ebadi, J. Ebrahimzadeh, A. Roshanaei, M. Piri, M.H. Kaboli, A. Mohandes, H. Khezri, P. Eisvandi, M. Shojaatalhosseini, A. Shahdadi, M. Hesampoor, A. Gardi, K. Gholizadeh, Z. Tavangar, S. Hesampoor, S. Sarabi, M. Kazemipour, H. Hadianpour, F. Chahooshizadeh, A. Baghipour, F. Hasheminasab


In this article, we have studied the reports of lunar occultations by this project observation’s teams (named APTO) in comparison with other observations of the objects. Thirteen binary stars were selected for this study. All the previous observations of these stars were also collected. Finally, an analysis of O‐C of all reports were performed.


Link to download the article




tags: APTO Astronomical Project on Timing Occultation University of Kashan Observatory Observatory

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