Spectroscopy of fast rotating stars, with small telescopes by Iraj Safaei

23 June 2014 | 00:00 Code : 7623 Research

By increasing the separation power in spectroscopy, the detectable wavelength range becomes smaller. As a result, the flux of the received photons decreases in each interval. This is a major limitation in the spectroscopy of stars with small telescopes. In this project, Iraj Safaei used a telescope with a diameter of 16 inches of the University of  Kashan Observatory. Mr Safaei measured the velocity of the rotational velocity of stellar stars with the spread of the spectrum of the Hydrogen-beta line. Due to the limitation in the amount of light received from the stars, he had to measure the speed of rotation of the brightest fast-moving stars. Mr Safaei measured the rotational velocity of the Altair, Alderamin, Regulus, Alkaid, Denebola stars by Rotational Doppler Broadening, and he compared them with measurements with other methods and obtained an acceptable response. In her calculations, Thermal Doppler Broadening only had a slight effect, and he ignored other widespread effects.

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