Design of an Equatorial sundial by Iraj Safaei, head of University of Kashan Observatory for Payamenor University of Aranobidgol

01 April 2010 | 00:00 Code : 7926 Sundial
Design of an Equatorial sundial by Iraj Safaei, head of University of Kashan Observatory for Payamenor University of Aranobidgol

Iraj Safaei has designed an equatorial sundial for Payamenor University of Aranobidgol in 2010 with a diameter of 3 meters. And made it partnership with Mr. Majid ghohroodi.
1- Identify local solar time
2- Detection Iranian Calender
3- Analema curve
4- Noon prayer time
& ...
Aranobidgol is a historic city near Kashan
And nort of Isfahan in central Iran, sout of Tehran

tags: sundial Observatory University of Kashan Observatory

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