Designing and making Shepherd's dial by Iraj Safaei

Designing and making Shepherd's dial by Iraj Safaei head of University of Kashan Observatory

23 February 2018 | 11:44 Code : 8140 Sundial
Designing and making Shepherd's dial  by Iraj Safaei head of University of Kashan Observatory

Iraj Safaei made a Shepherd's dial of brass metal for a 32-degree and 21-minute north latitude. This latitude is the village where he was born. The Shepherd's dial is one of the simple and most widely used portable sundials.

Iraj Safaei head of University of Kashan Observatory, used the Achaemenid art to decorate it.  He also used the sun symbols in Shahr-e Sukhteh (The Burnt City) civilization. Shahr-e Sukhteh (The Burnt City) is a civilization about 5000 years ago. This civilization has been in eastern Iran and near the city of Zabul.


In the image below, you can see how to recognize the time from the Shepherd's dial:

tags: sundial Observatory University of Kashan Observatory

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