Tourist attractions in Niasar

Kashan is about 200 kilometers south of Tehran and almost in the center of Iran. The city of Kashan is home to the world's oldest civilization dating back to 7500 years. Niasar is a small town about 40 kilometers west of Kashan. Niasser is also an ancient city where University Kashan Observatory is located in its mountains.


 Tourist attractions in Niasar

1- University of Kashan Observatory


2- Niasar Fire Temple, about 2000 years old. Its distance from the observatory is about 100 meters.


3- Niasar Spring

This spring is the main source of the Niasar Waterfall. Its distance from the observatory is about 200 meters.



4- Niasar Cave
This cave is handmade and is more than 2000 years old. This cave was sometimes used as a sanctuary and probably used as a temple of Mithraism. Its distance from the observatory is about 500 meters.


5- Safavid Palace, About 400 years old

Its distance from the observatory is about 600 meters.


6- Niasar Waterfall


7- Niasar water mill, more than 400 years old


8- Safavid bath, more than 400 years old


9- The beautiful nature of Niasar


10- Nasar local flowers


11- Watchtower, about 200 years old


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tags: University of Kashan Observatory Fire Temple Observatory