O‐C Study of ۵۴۵ Lunar Occultations from ۱۳ Double Stars

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تعداد دانلود :۴۷۶
۱۷ مهر ۱۳۹۸ | ۱۵:۰۱

O‐C Study of 545 Lunar Occultations
from 13 Double Stars

A. Poro1, S. Memarzadeh5, A. Halavati2, M. Pakravanfar6, I. Safaei6,
A. Sojoudizadeh4, S. Hamedian4, S. Ebadi5, J. Ebrahimzadeh4, A. Roshanaei4,
M. Piri5, M.H. Kaboli8, A. Mohandes6, H. Khezri3, P. Eisvandi3,
M. Shojaatalhosseini2, A. Shahdadi2, M. Hesampoor9, A. Gardi7,
K. Gholizadeh7, Z. Tavangar9, S. Hesampoor9, S. Sarabi1, M. Kazemipour8,
H. Hadianpour8, F. Chahooshizadeh8, A. Baghipour9, F. Hasheminasab3
1International Occultation Timing Association Middle East Section; info@iota‐me.com
2Bkaraan Observatory, Kerman, Iran
3Mehr Observatory, Bushehr, Iran
4Kajeh Nasir Toosi Observatory, Tabriz, Iran
5The Quarks Team, Tabriz, Iran
6University of Kashan Observatory, Kashan, Iran
7SabalanSky Astronomy Association, Ardebil, Iran
8Observatory of Ibn Al‐Haytham of Ahvazi, Ahvaz, Iran
9Observatory of Shiraz Astronomy Cultural Center, Shiraz, Iran

In this article, we have studied the reports of lunar occultations by this project observation’s teams (named APTO) in comparison with other observations of the objects. Thirteen binary stars were selected for this study. All the previous observations of these stars were also collected. Finally, an analysis of O‐C of all reports were performed.

Keywords: Lunar Occultation, Occult 4, O‐C

کلیدواژه‌ها: Occultation Lunar Occultation Occult ۴ O‐C

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